Vital Sensation Manual Unit 5: Vital Expression in Homeopathy: Based on the Sensation Method & Classical HomeopathyThe Vital Sensation Manual is a series of five units for homeopaths to learn how to apply and take homeopathic cases using the Sensation Method. The manual is an interesting read for non-homeopaths, but is not meant to be used by lay-people who are not formally trained in homeopathy. This fifth unit focuses on the vital expression using the Sensation Method in homeopathy. The in-depth course provides a comprehensive understanding of the methods used to prescribe and treat patients homeopathically based on Dr. Rajan Sankaran's theories, research, teaching and practice. The Sensation Method developed by the Bombay Group led by Dr. Rajan Sankaran improves your self confidence because there are clear indications of how to follow the case and to narrow the prescriptions. Easy To Understand, Logical, Many Examples, Understand The Principles And Apply Them... The manual explains where you are when taking a case, and how to use a mapping system when using this approach: Begin with the chief complaint Discover the Vital Sensation (where the mind and body connect) Follow the various levels (going beyond the level of Delusion to the levels of Sensation and Energy where the qualities of the substance are described by the patient) Differentiate the four kingdoms--Mineral, Plant, Animal and Imponderable Apply the tools of miasms Make an accurate prescription based on Source and Sensation language and confirmed through traditional methods of the repertory and Materia Medica when available The manual includes Melissa Burch's paper cases edited for easy reading and with comments specific to the topic of the unit. All the information in the manual is founded on the principles of Classical Homeopathy and the work of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. Based on Dr. Rajan Sankaran's ideas, cases and previously published materials by Melissa Burch, CCH."Dimensions: 21.59 x 0.51 x 27.94 centimetres (0.28 kg)Vital Sensation Manualは、Sensation Methodを使用してホメオパシーの症例を適用して服用する方法を学ぶための、ホメオパシーの5つのユニットのシリーズです。



徹底的なコースでは、Rajan Sankaran博士の理論、研究、指導、実践に基づいて、ホメオパシーに患者を処方し、治療する方法の包括的な理解を提供します。

Dr. Rajan Sankaranが率いるボンベイグループが開発したSensation Methodは、ケースを追跡し、処方箋を狭める方法の明確な兆候があるため、自信を高めます。



鉱物、植物、動物、およびImponderableミリアンペアのツールを適用するソースとセンセーションの言語に基づいて正確な処方箋を作成し、レパートリーとMateria Medicaの伝統的な方法で確認することができます。

マニュアルには、読みやすいように編集されたMelissa Burchのペーパーケースと、 。

このマニュアルのすべての情報は、古典的なホメオパシーの原則とDr. Samuel Hahnemannの研究に基づいています。

Rajan Sankaran博士のアイデア、事例、以前にMelissa Burch氏が発表した資料(CCH)に基づいています。

寸法:21.59 x 0.51 x 27.94センチメートル(0.28 kg)------------------------------------ 当店は、アメリカ カリフォルニアを本店とする海外ショップです。



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税込価格 3,072円